At one time, air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps and varieties of heating and cooling equipment provided a single speed capacity.
The systems were capable of running at maximum output or not at all.
The unit would blast heated or cooled air until the indoor temperature matched the thermostat setting and then shut down. The frequent startup and shut off placed a great deal of wear and tear on components, shortening service life. The operation required a great deal of energy and also created unpleasant temperature fluctuations. Room temperature was repeatedly rising up and falling back down. Eventually, advances in engineering led to two-stage operation. These systems were capable of operating at either high or low speed. There are still two-stage models on the market that provide impressive energy efficiency ratings. However, modern developments have led to something called adaptable-speed technology. These innovative systems include compressors that automatically adjust output to match the needs of the indoor environment. The system adjusts itself by small, one percent increments in speed to provide the exact amount of heating or cooling necessary at any time. Able to operate anywhere between forty and one hundred percent capacity, the heating or cooling system maintains a consistent temperature and perfect comfort. There’s far less strain on the various parts, allowing for longer service life. The smart adjustment minimizes homeowner responsibilities and opens up remote access to adjustment through wireless connection. Unprecedented efficiency ratings significantly lessens impact on the environment and operational costs. While adaptable-speed technology comes with a higher price tag, these sophisticated systems tend to pay for themselves very quickly.